Carolyn Page’s book Tomorrow’s End and an interview


SB 4 Agnishatdal: Tell us something about yourself. Who are you really? The more you tell the happier we will be.

Carolyn Page: Australian born, I have always felt somewhat different. It wasn’t until my early thirties I understood why.
During a rather distressing time in my life spirit made themselves known to me. Since that time I have come to know them as The Collective Consciousness. This relationship is highlighted, primarily in my blog ‘Light Workers of the World’.
To say my life has been eventful would be true. Not in the usual sense, but as a clairaudient, clairvoyant and clairsentient, who has been waiting (all her life) for that which is happening now; it has been a life of long waiting, endurance, and, above all else, patience.
I now know I am just beginning the adventure for which I have been born. It fills me with enormous pride and honour. I know the latter quarter of my life will be all I have expected, and more. Life really has just begun.

SB 4 Agnishatdal: What is the source of that light which reflects through all your works?

Carolyn Page: The inner connection to my soul is reflected in my works. I have always felt a connection within; though, only recently have respected this as being the difference I have always felt.

SB 4 Agnishatdal: What made you publish your book?

Carolyn Page: As a prelude to the publishing of the book ‘Tomorrow’s End’ came the understanding, firstly, that a book was indeed to be written. This information came directly from that source within; my soul (or consciousness).

However, for the purpose of better understanding, I should state that ‘Tomorrow’s End’ is a collaboration between The Collective Consciousness and myself; being in part, a conversation.

The answer to this question then becomes: It was a natural progression, after writing/transcribing the book, to then have it become available to those whose purpose is to participate in its cause: The bringing of Love and Perfection to the Earth Fantasy.

SB 4 Agnishatdal: Do you have a background in psychology or that depth in human nature comes to you as divine blessing?

Carolyn Page: Our soul, or consciousness, has, as its base, all knowledge, all wisdom. As we release all that is false; i.e., that which we experience as a human; sadness, grief, arrogance, fear; indeed all that is negative, we connect more fully to that which we are: A soul (or consciousness) having an experience.

SB 4 Agnishatdal: What is the name of your book, where can we get it? What are the addresses of your blogs?

Carolyn Page: Tomorrow’s End (paperback) is available on

I have two blogs –

ABC of Spirit – Here can mainly be found ‘Reflections’ of animals, flowers, trees and all creatures as have been requested. The essays each share a dimension of human nature.

Light Workers of the – This site is destined to become a meeting place for Light Workers. Here we shall join forces in the cause of uplifting ourselves and each other.

SB 4 Agnishatdal: Planning a new one?

Carolyn Page: Yes; we, The Collective Consciousness and I are in the process of writing ‘Changes’, which will be the second in our series.

SB 4 Agnishatdal: Any suggestions to wannabe authors?

Carolyn Page: I can only suggest that we follow our heart’s desire; be true to our own persuasions, and honour that which we know is true for us. When this is done, others know, and will honour us with their truth. It is a circle that, once begun, becomes a never ending joy for both the writer, and the reader.

tomorrow's end

A few words from the Author for/about her book-

Tomorrow’s End, Dear Ones, welcomes you to find yourself.

If you consider yourself to be a Light Worker; i.e., one who needs to be ever growing, ever developing; you have come home. Yes, Dear One, you are home; where you ought to be.

Browsing our pages you will find yourself, Dear Heart; for, our goal is to introduce you to you in ways that will enhance, not only your life, dearest; but, the lives of all within the playground called, Earth.

To purchase go to:

The following is an excerpt:
What Will the New, Look Like?

Indeed, this is the question that many will ask. What will the future look like?

To be succinct, Dear Hearts, the future will look much as it does now. The differences will be this:
There will be love for one another; not just man for man, but man for animal, vegetable and mineral.

Indeed, man shall not wish to conquer, as we see man doing today. Instead, Dear Hearts, man shall absorb the beauty for all things, making it a part of his/her personality, so to speak.

Yes indeed, man shall, above all else, be the initiator of all things good.

He/she shall delight in basking in the sunshine of his/her creations of unity and good will.

A utopia, of a kind, will prevail; a unity consisting of all things known, such as the kingdoms currently abiding within the Earth Fantasy.

There shall be more.

Yes, Dear Ones, there shall be more than the kingdoms currently abiding within the Earth Fantasy.

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