
Patreon 5

Patreon 5- Agnilipi, Agnimalya, Agnipat, Coming Kingdom and SBPnB


Agnilipi will share a set of photography each month, they maybe versatile or one single topic. Do share your views after checking them out.

I am not a great photographer, let me tell you, just an amateur one armed with a point and shoot camera most of the time and am honing my skill on a DSLR lately but am far from getting satisfied with my handling it yet!


Agnimalya is a book of stories, some old stories and mostly new stories are included in it. The mood depends on the stories included- that is- they are unpredictable! I try to make them as versatile as possible and sometimes throw in some flash-fictions lavishly illustrated for you!

You will have to check out a few copies to get the feel. But just as I said I try to add all genres but not in the same book, and I don’t really stick to one genre for one book mostly, maybe I will in future, but not at present. Most probably you will enjoy a dose of love in the February Issue or Durgapuja in autumn….


Agnipat will share a set of digital paintings each month, will decide each month the contents to be shared. If you like my clumsy paintings you will like this book.

Coming Kingdom

Coming kingdom at present is sharing stories of upcoming books, right now it is sharing stories from the books to be published (republished) in Amazon Kindle. Every month it will share few stories.

Check out the stories and share your views!


SBPnB is a book of illustrations mainly. As you can guess from the name the priority has been given to the illustrator inside me! I love to paint and this is the book through which I am sharing my paintings with you.

Sometimes you will get them with quotes, sometimes with poems or flash fictions. But whatever will be there the size of the words will be quite short, so that each post’s length is one page. Sometimes they may get longer but not necessarily!

There are more pledges, if I start getting patrons that will give more than $5 each month I will love to include them, right now I am waiting for a miracle that will give me a dozen $5 patrons 🙂

Almost all of you know that I have opened a profile in patreon, with one simple goal- to have a nice no. of patrons who enjoy my works enough to buy them on monthly basis! Even though as per social norms you will become my patrons, but in return of your generosity I will gift you with books (that I sell for $1 a piece) each month. My profile there:

If you pledge $1 per month Agnilipi every month
If you pledge $2 per month Agnipat, Agnishatdal every month
If you pledge $3 per month Agnilipi, Agnipat, Agnimalya every month
If you pledge $4 per month Agnilipi, Agnipat, Agnimalya, Sharmishtha Basu’s Paint and Brush every month.
If you pledge $5 per month Agnilipi, Agnipat, Agnimalya, Sharmishtha Basu’s Paint and Brush and glimpses of my upcoming books in form of another mini book every month.

There are two more pledges go to the profile and check them out from there if you are feeling interested.

Agnimalya contains stories
Sharmishtha Basu’s Paint and Brush contains you can guess fully illustrated works of any possible type I can create!
Coming Kingdom will share pieces of upcoming books.
Agnilipi will share my new passion, selected photos.
Agnipat will share few paintworks each month

The fact is I was trying to use Patreon as my own tiny bookstore, art gallery [before discovering there are other ways to that but it is still on], there are no big promises. You will get my work, not Charles Dickens or Michelangelo’s! But the works you will get there are mostly brand-new or very much altered from the blog posts they once were! I am quite sure they will be worth your hard-earned money.

Hope you will enjoy my works and try them out! Do let me know what you thought of them, if you want something more, else!

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